Tuesday 29 July 2014

You better lose yourself

I love being around passionate people. I love strangers and people who speak their mind. The unknown excites me more than anything. I have never found pleasure in conformity or found comfort in safety. Life is just an adventure and I want to live it in every way possible. By touch, smell, vision, with every single sense!

Losing my job 2 months ago really brought me back to the old me. There was a time of stress and worry that seemed to consume my energy, my passion and my vision. I was extremely unsatisfied and nervous because life became such a routine…

Wake up





I lost myself in the midst of things and it was only then that I truly found myself again.  Life is such a short beautiful journey, with so much to be discovered and so many experiences to accomplish.  I learnt that falling down and losing yourself makes you a stronger person, it makes you understand life in ways that you would have never known before. It’s a beautiful thing to fall, you see the world from a deeper level, and your outlook becomes that bit richer. You become wiser. I am never afraid to fall; in fact I embrace it just as much as I embrace the highs in my life.

When life doesn't seem to be going your way count it as a blessing. I promise you that that dark period will give you the most beautiful lessons in life that no one can take away from you.  If you are going through what feels like hell, just keep going. I trust that you will find yourself in the end and you will love life a million times more because you are no longer afraid of it. 

Ps. I now have a new job & I am doing all the things I loved so dearly...Remember everything happens for a reason & count your blessings! 

Stay Curious!


Friday 11 July 2014

The Copycat Syndrome

You know how the saying goes ‘you're born an original so don’t die a copy’ but why are so many of us choosing to die as copies? 

Most of us can admit that having a copycat is like having your own personal pest (annoying as hell). It's like you come up with a unique idea, a new business, a new venture then somebody comes along and pretends that they thought of it first. Infuriating right?

It can get a lot of us down, we start to feel robbed, we feel manipulated and we feel angry. But have you ever thought of the reasons why they copy? or the reasons why you shouldn't get annoyed in the first place? If you haven't, please read below. 

The 4 reasons why you should never get annoyed over copycats

1)      You are always going to be the original – It may be annoying at first to see somebody ‘steal’ your business idea, your venture, your sense of style, your hobbies. But in reality they are only going to be a 2 – dimensional version of you, like a photograph. They may have taken the idea from you but they don’t have all the ingredients and the complexities that made up that idea, they only have what you have shown to them. They will never get to feel the heart of it nor will they ever experience what it is like to think the way you do. Who is the better person to explain, change, and execute this idea (venture, business) YOU and it will be YOU every time.

2)     They are lazy, you are not – Come on. How easy is it to copy someone else? I say lazy people copy others because they don’t spend enough time to understand themselves. It’s a breeze to follow the crowd but where is it going to get you in the long run? The person you are mirroring will accomplish what they set out to accomplish, you on the other hand will come 2nd if you are lucky enough that is. Most the time the copycat will stop half way and think this isn't me, what am I doing? why have I pretended to be something I am not, why did I pursue this idea that I didn't create myself? And bang they are back to square one. Its laziness.

3)      Insecurity – They copy your idea because they don’t have confidence to pursue what they want to do. They begin to analyse every thing you do, so that they start to believe that they are YOU.  It’s almost like the self-fulfilling prophecy if you ask me. They are too insecure about their own abilities that they try to copy yours.

4)      Results in extreme jealousy – They become green with envy and jealously because you are doing a much better job at being you than they are. Jealously is not attractive. 

The copycat has to be pitied if you ask me. I wish they could see the beauty in their own ideas and the beauty in themselves instead of having to steal other peoples ideas and reaping the rewards that are not rightfully theirs. I also know how annoying it can be to have a copycat do everything you do (I have experienced the odd copy cat in my life). 

It is much better to live and die as an original than to live and die as a copy. Originality is much more authentic. After all authenticity can live on forever.  

Have you ever experienced a copycat in your life? Or have you had the copycat syndrome? Let me know. It’s fun hearing what other people have to say!

Monday 7 July 2014

What You Didn't Know About Bees

I know this is a random entry but who doesn't love bees? 
Okay now if you are one of 'those' people who run around yelling like a shark has bitten off your leg (well you wouldn't be running...) when a bee passes you on the street then maybe you will want to read this... 

First things first bees are not just cute little fluffy insects that make honey for a living. Bees are actually one of the most important pollinators in the world.  They supply pollination to fruit and vegetable crops that produce food such as; apricots, avocado’s, beans, cucumbers and pears (yummy). They also pollinate the food that we feed to animals which we then eat. In fact one third of our total diet is dependent on bees. Now that’s something to think about.

But sadly there has been a rapid decline in the bee population over the past number of years. Researchers have provided numerous reasons for this decline, but one in particular is the use of insecticide on plants. I won’t go into too much detail but basically it is a pesticide that is sprayed on plants to kill insects such as bees. So for as long as bees continue to pollinate on these contaminated plants the more likely the bees are going to get viruses and die.

But... there is always a' but'!

We can help by doing a few simple things like planting flowers in our gardens (flowers that do not contain insecticide) and also by doing something a little bit more special like getting a spoon loaded with sugar and water and personally feeding the bee (I know this sounds absolutely ludicrous but it works!). This will provide them with the energy needed to continue their quest on finding food and of course the energy they need to provide our plants with pollen.

Bees need to stick around for a while longer and we need to help make that possible. I hope this post has given you some insight on bees and why NOT to be afraid of them in the future.

Long live the bees and may Albert Einstein's theory never come true...

“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.


 Stay Curious  x

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Perfectionism Is The Mother Of Procrastination

I believe most of us are very bad at managing our time. We all love that ‘last minute’; in fact many of us would never get anything done if it wasn't for that ‘last minute’…

‘I will start the cleaning tomorrow’

 ‘I will start my assignment tomorrow’

‘I will start my diet tomorrow’ (just as you are eyeing up that delicious bar of chocolate!)

The inspiration for this topic came after I watched a video by Michael Hyatt (if you don’t know him – go check out his videos on YouTube.  You will love him!).  In which he stated that;
‘Perfectionism is the mother of procrastination’.


This is probably one of the greatest quotes that I have ever come across in my entire 23 years of existence. For years I struggled with perfection (and being a Virgo doesn't help). I always felt like I could do and be better, that whatever I had achieved to date could be enhanced. Even during my school years if a project I completed had one silly mistake I would scrap it (quite literally) and start again from the beginning and I didn't care if that meant extra work.

Not only that but I was terrible for leaving things to the last minute! I believed that if I waited that little bit longer I would create better work. But I was wrong and there it was the mother of procrastination yelling at me constantly to put things off!

Now that I am a graduate and in full time work if I EVER attempt to put things off in fear of perfection, I quickly slap some sense into myself and start the project or task straight away. Because at the end of the day, it is much easier to start something whether that be a business venture, a blog post, a dance routine, a piece of artwork…whatever it may be, it’s always better to have something to work from where you can edit what you don’t like and improve on what you do like. Surely this is much more promising and rewarding than looking at a blank canvas for days having nothing to work on?

Do not and I repeat do not let the fear of perfection hold you back or keep you in the same position for too long! If you are presented with amazing opportunities take them and then worry about the outcome later and never ever delay something great because you worry that it will fail and it will waste your time. How do you know that? (Let me break it to you – you don’t know that!)

Grow and learn all the way to the top! Perfection is boring, it’s useless and it doesn't serve you! So start that assignment you have been putting off for weeks, go to the dance studio and improvise some moves, go get your paint brushes, go start your blog! Do whatever you got to do to just to START!

You have the choice to let perfection hold you back or you can go out and take a chance! I promise you won’t regret it!


 Stay curious  x

Do you have a story about a time when you delayed a project? Or do you disagree and think that perfection is a great way to work? Let me know! Share your thoughts and stories by commenting below! I can’t wait to hear from you!